Product Categories
Brand and Product Description

Dehydrated craft cocktails in teabag format!

Steep't contains all-natural dehydrated ingredients of fruits, herbs, and spices. All you have to do is steep the teabag in cold water and alcohol of your choice for 2 minutes to have a delicious, restaurant-quality cocktail at home.

Founder Name

Alison Nathanson and Chloe Aucoin


HQ City

New York



Founder Attributes

Woman Owned

Product List

Spicy Margarita Craft Cocktail Teabags
Skinny Spicy Margarita Craft Cocktail Teabags
Old Fashioned Craft Cocktail Teabags

Product Attributes

Dairy-Free, Gluten-Free, Paleo, Vegan, Vegetarian

Product Temperature State

Shelf Stable