Product Categories
Brand and Product Description

we are moji masala.

we provide fresh, pre-measured Indian spice blends and authentic recipes to make it super easy for you to cook delicious indian food.

it's the kind of indian food you'd eat in someone's home.

moji means mama in kashmiri.  masala means spice blend.

our masalas are the gateway to enjoying food like moji makes.

celebrate eating & journey with us through the layers of India

as we cook and eat from "moji's hand".

and by the way, we're just getting started...


Founder Name

JD Walsh / Shireen Qadri


HQ City

New York City



Founder Attributes

Woman Owned

Product List

Rogan Josh
Tandoori Style Baked Chicken
Chicken WIng Masala
Aloo Rasedar
Gobi Masala
Palak Masala
Mushroom Masala
Dahl Masala
Kitchari Masala
Sweet Masala
Kashmri Garam Masala

Product Attributes

Dairy-Free, Vegan, Vegetarian